Have you ever noticed how many places the word “God” is used in our culture? It is printed on our currency,“ In God We Trust.” Our criminal justice system requires a swearing in with our hand on a Bible and we are told to tell the truth “so help you God.”A chorus of “God Bless America” starts the seventh inning stretch in baseball. When you sneeze, “God bless you” is a common response. The use of “God” pervades our culture and vocabulary on purpose because our forefathers did not want us to forget what is vital. So why have we lost the understanding of our true nature and spiritual existence? Is it political correctness? I am not sure. What I am sure of is that when we lose our connection to “God” we mislay our true spiritual self. A man alone is a small thing, but a man who is conscious and connected to his “God” and spiritual side is a great thing. Our physical existence is so fleeting, beautiful and fragile that one might call it the “Envy of Angels.”
Do you believe in heaven or angels? I certainly do. If you do, then you understand heaven is a place we go to when we leave the physical body. Almost everyone who came before us is there. So this body is not who we really are. It is the temporary home of our soul and spirit. Life is just a temporary departure from our true home, our true existence. We are spiritual beings on a physical journey, not the other way around. If we can remember this each day so much stress and unhappiness we create for ourselves will disappear. We can then embrace our journey with grace and enjoy its twists and turns such as: hard work, personal struggles, raising children and growing older. If we remember our spiritual side we can savor each part of our lives. How sad it must be to view only the physical body and its 70 to 80 years of possible life span and label it as whom we really are. All too often we see the retired athlete or Hollywood starlet who no longer can compete with younger stars crumble into despair. They believe all that is good is gone and never see the big picture. When we detach our true selves from this body, we can see the glory of this short life and embrace each phase. So why would angels envy us? It is because of our humanity! We are perfect in our imperfection. Being human is beautiful and the spiritual world can only look back and remember what it was like. To angels, our whole life is just like the “good old days.” The things that we take for granted are what angels miss. Our society overrates the material at the expense of the spiritual and we all get caught up in it. Do you think any angel or soul in heaven would look back at life and miss: a car, a house or material possessions? No way! They would miss the touch of a child’s hand, the feel of sand between their toes, a spring breeze, a chill in the air, their first kiss, falling in love, the smell of a holiday meal and the comfort of home. And yes, pain. Pain is also a part of this experience. It lets us know we are alive both physically and emotionally. Anyone who lives their life avoiding pain never really grows or can fully experience life. Angels probably yearn for the things we fail to appreciate. Just a chance to be alive! When we look at life as a spiritual being having a physical experience, it is incredibly liberating. Viewing our bodies as a “loner” and not designating them as who we are allows us not to stress about growing older and all the other self-perceived physical attributes which we dislike. Unlike our physical bodies, we are perfect. This imperfect, flawed, aging body is just a temporary home used for our journey! It’s also important to remember that you can’t age thought! Your thoughts do not age, unless you let them. Do not let an old person into your head.
Live every day to the fullest as time is a fleeting thing. Embrace all stages of this life. See it, feel it, taste it, touch it, just love it. Somewhere, there’s an angel who wishes they were in your shoes.
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